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About Me


As I sit here and ponder about what to write 'about me', I am speechless. Maybe this describes me the best...I hardly think about myself, the way I look, the way I feel, etc; I lost connection with who I truly am. This is one of the number one reasons I own my own business being an Independent Beauty Consultant with Mary Kay, 'Self-Esteem'. Now, I LOVE MY LIFE!

My other #1 Reasons:

I have been happily married to my soul mate since November 8, 2008. I am the most blessed mother of a son named Jackson who was brought into this world 10 weeks earlier than expected weighing in at only 3 lbs. They are my life, and words could never express what they mean to me and how truly blessed I am to be called 'My Wife' and MaMa! I LOVE MY LIFE!

Mary Kay Ash's philosophy:

#1 is GOD
then comes
then comes

Mary Kay has allowed me to meet some EXTRAORDINARY women! Wow! They have truly opened my eyes to what the inner beauty of a woman really is. I am just mezmerized by some of them, especially Kathy Helou (My National Sales Director). I LOVE MY LIFE!

Okay, I want you to do one thing for me....really, honestly, whole-heartedly think about this:

When was the last time, you were recognized for simply doing your job?
Did you get a standing round-of-applause last time you met the deadline two weeks ahead of time?
Did you get to wear a crown for simply showing being on time?

(I probably already know the answer to that)


For me, it was on MONDAY of THIS week! Do you know how AMAZING I feel? Wow, now that is a self-steem builder!


If you find that Mary Kay is something you are interested in, please take the opportunity to learn more about the company, and make an informed decision.